With a focus on a sustainable future, the environmental and energy performance of our company shall be continuously optimised. This is to maintain the quality of life for future generations by protecting the climate and the quality of air, soil and water. To advance this goal, the course has already been set to make our company climate-neutral.
For the consistent implementation of these sustainability principles, an effective energy and environmental management system has been established within our company for many years. This management system is supported by our environmental and energy policy, which defines all environmental and energy-related overall goals as well as the associated internal guidelines.
The environmental and energy policy serves as a basis for the continuous improvement of operational environmental protection and energy efficiency.
We as a company are responsible for our products, our work and its impact on our employees as well as on society, our business partners and the environment. To fulfil this responsibility, we must all act in a legally compliant, honest and responsible manner. The compliance principles of Joma-Polytec are defined and laid down in our Code of Conduct.
Through our Code of Conduct, we commit to the following principles:
A detailed description of these principles can be found in our Code of Conduct.
If you have any questions on the subject of compliance or are aware of any violations of our Code of Conduct, please contact our Compliance Officer.
Compliance Officer
Johannes Kolb
phone: +49 7471 706 1874
Corporate environmental protection extends beyond the realm of our company. We ensure that suppliers and contract partners operating on our premises comply with our environmental and energy standards.
Continuous reduction of adverse environmental impacts and, as far as is possible, avoidance of environmental damage and excessive use of energy with economically justifiable application of the best available technology.
We undertake to comply with all relevant legal rules and regulations. We work together with the relevant authorities and the public in order to identify and eliminate potential weak points and sources of danger.
The functionality and the constant further advancements of our environmental and energy management system are subject to regular internal audits. In case of deviations, actions are defined to ensure compliance.
We use energies carefully and sparingly and minimise emissions, reduce waste quantities and energy costs by applying technical and organisational measures.
We will continually optimise planned and existing production processes as well as products and systems with regard to their environmental impacts and energy efficiency.
We promote the environmental awareness of all our employees through information and training with regard to ecological questions and economical use of energy.
In order to improve energy-related performance, we support the acquisition of energy-efficient products and services.
Request more informationor call us:
+49 7471 706-0
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